Multi mortar

Multi mozsárágyú

“Nagy hatótávú sortűzzel okoz hatalmas területi sebzést a célpontoknak!”

1. Szint 2. Szint 3. Szint 4. Szint
5. Szint 6. Szint 7. Szint


  • Summary
    • The Multi Mortar is a defense on the Builder Base unlocked at Builder Hall Level 5.
    • It shoots splash-damaging Mortar shells at ground units, shooting four per blast. It cannot target air units.
    • The Multi Mortar shells do low damage by themselves but medium damage altogether. Additionally, the shells themselves have a fairly large splash radius.
    • The Multi Mortar has a large range but cannot hit troops too close to it.

  • Defensive Strategy
    • Place the Multi Mortar at the center of the base to cover as much area as possible and to slow troops from getting too close to it.
      • You can use the Multi Mortar’s inability to hit nearby units to your advantage, as the Multi Mortar will target support units, such as the Sneaky Archers, Cannon Carts, and Night Witchesfollowing behind the tanks and take care of them so they don’t do too much damage.
    • The Multi Mortar’s splash damaging shells makes it good at taking down hordes of low-hitpoint troops but can be easily distracted by high-hitpoint troops.
    • Because of its inability to hit nearby troops, it can be good to place the Crusher near it as it is another area damage defense that deals high damage. However, the Crusher cannot fully cover the blind spot of the Multi Mortar due to its extremely short range. In addition, neither can attack air troops, so that should also be kept in mind when building a layout.
    • The Multi Mortar can stop Bombers from doing too much damage to your base. At relative level, where the Bomber is twice or less than the level of the Multi Mortar, a volley of 4 shots can destroy a bomber.
  • Offensive Strategy
    • Use Air units, as the Multi Mortar cannot hit them.
    • Use tanks such as Boxer Giants or the Battle Machine to distract the Multi Mortar while you swarm the base. Take care that they do not all enter the Multi Mortar’s blind spot, otherwise it will retarget.
    • Try to get near it as it cannot hit troops close to it.
    • Try to spread out your troops so the Mortar cannot hit all of them at once.

  • Upgrade Differences
    • The Multi Mortar undergoes significant visual changes at levels 3, 5 and 7.
    • At level 1, the Multi Mortar appears as three small mortar barrels tied together, sticking out of a wooden structure that is also reinforced with ropes.
    • At level 2, a fourth barrel is added, the base elevates slightly and loses its ropes.
    • At level 3, the base gains additional reinforcing planks. The rope holding together the barrels becomes a metal band and the barrels themselves become thinner and larger.
    • At level 4, the corners of the base are now secured by copper metal. The barrels become properly aligned, larger and gain a copper band around the midsection.
    • At level 5, the corners are now secured by a gray metal and a stone base is also added below the wooden structure. The copper band becomes a thin golden ring.
    • At level 6, the rivets on the corners are replaced with metal handles. Large cogs appear on the sides of the Mortar and the barrels become slightly larger.
    • At level 7, the handles on the corners turn into riveted golden plates, and the gears on both sides turn to a gold color also.

  • Trivia
    • Though appearing to have only three barrels at level one, it still fires four shots per burst.
    • The Mortar shells only shoot out of one barrel as opposed to all four barrels.

  • Ikonok leírása
– Az ikont lenyomva információkat mutat meg az ágyúról, mint: Szint, Másodpercenkénti sebzés, Lövésenkénti sebzés, Életerő, Hatósugár, Sebzéstípus, és Kedvenc célpont.
– Az ikont lenyomva a következő szinte fejleszti az ágyút, ha van elég nyersanyagod és egy szabad Építőd. Ha az ágyú elérte lehető legnagyobb szintjét, az ikon nem látszódik.
– Az ikont lenyomva azonnal befejezi a fejlesztést, a látható számú Gemért cserébe. Az ikon csak akkor látszódik, ha egy fejlesztés van folyamatban.
– Az ikont lenyomva megszakítja a folyamatban lévő fejlesztést. Az ikon csak akkor látszódik, ha egy fejlesztés van folyamatban.


Városháza szint 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Elérhető 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Level Level Másodpercenkénti sebzés  Lövésenkénti sebzés  Életerő  Ár Építési idő  Kapott
Builder Hall szint szükséges
1 20 25 500 600,000 8 óra 169 5
2 22 28 575 700,000 12 óra 207 5
3 24 31 661 800,000 1 nap 293 5
4 27 34 760 1,000,000 2 nap 415 5
5 29 37 874 1,200,000 3 nap 509 5
6 32 41 1,005 1,600,000 3 nap 509 6
Hatótávolság  Támadási sebesség  Sebzés típus  Célpont 
4-13 4 lövés /5 másodperc Területi sebző Földi